Pathology of the Respiratory System
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Table of Contents
1 - Normal structure and function……………………… 2
2 - Defense and immune responses………………….. 4
3 - Nares, nasal cavity, nasal sinuses……………….... 6
4 - Pharynx, larynx, trachea……………………………. 9
5 - Bronchi and bronchioles……………………………. 10
6 - General disorders of the lung……………………… 12
7 - Vascular disorders of the lung……………………. 15
8 - Pleura and pleural cavity…………………………… 17
9 - Tumors of the respiratory system………………… 18
10 - Types of pneumonia………………………………. 19
11 - Viral pneumonia……………………………………. 23
12 - Bacterial pneumonia............................................. 25
13 - Parasitic pneumonia............................................. 29
Pathology of the
Respiratory System
Pathology of the Respiratory System
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Lesson 1
Normal Structure and Function
The respiratory system is composed of a
conducting portion and a gas-exchange
IMPORTANT POINT: The airconducting portions are quite
different from the air-exchange
portions and also have fairly different
clinical syndromes associated with
their dysfunctions.
External nares – this is the “nose.” Then it leads into the nasal cavity, where air is
warmed and moistened.
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Paranasal sinuses communicate directly or indirectly with the nasal cavity, usually
through a fairly small channel. (Remember that – SMALL hole for drainage – this is why
sinusitis can take such a long time to resolve.)
The nasopharynx is that portion of the pharynx located dorsal to the soft palate. The
oropharynx, in contrast, is that part of the pharynx that is common to the respiratory and
digestive systems.
The trachea runs from the larynx down to the bifurcation where it splits and turns into
bronchi. Cartilaginous open rings hold the tube open.
Then, on to the BRONCHI –
It is called a tree because it has many BRANCHES.
Bronchi branch and branch again and then become
bronchioles. Bronchi – cartilage; bronchioles – no
cartilage. Then bronchioles move into the
respiratory and terminal bronchioles, and finally…
ALVEOLI, which is where the air exchange takes
Alveolar epithelium consists of alveolar cells. Most are Type I, the workhorse of gas
exchange, they have very thin cytoplasm. Type II cells, in contrast, are cuboidal –
thicker cytoplasm and covers much less surface.
So, guess what happens when Type I cells get killed? All replacement cells are of the
Type II variety, they eventually flatten into Type I, but in the meantime gas exchange
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Lesson 2
Defense and Immune Reponses in the Lung
It may seem obvious, but a pathogen will not cause pneumonia unless it reaches the lung.
The body has a variety of defenses designed to prevent this from happening.
Harmful agents can be removed in the nasal passages and conducting airways OR they
can be removed at the alveolar level. The two mechanisms are quite different.
Deposition and the mucociliary apparatus
Turbinates are designed so that anything coming into the nose has to twist and turn, so
particles are likely to get caught here on the mucous surface.
Mucociliary escalator (sometimes also called the mucociliary apparatus)
The mucociliary blanket consists of ciliated cells that beat in a watery phase on top of
which is a mucus phase. The particles land in the mucus, which is composed of water,
immunoglobulins (especially IgA), and mucus. The mucus and adhered particles are
constantly moved by the cilia towards the pharynx where they are swallowed (and
inactivated by stomach acids).
All of the conducting airway surfaces are covered by
the mucociliary escalator.
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Cilia are an important component of the mucociliary apparatus and may be adversely
affected by pathogens. Mycoplasma spp. is the main organism that establishes residence
in between the cilia. Bordetella bronchiseptica is another one. In humans the number
one cause of ciliary damage is cigarette smoke, and this is the primary reason why
smokers are predisposed to bronchitis and pneumonia.
The primary means of defense at the alveolar level is phagocytosis by pulmonary alveolar
macrophages (PAMs).
Neutrophils can be summoned into alveoli as well; however in the lung, they are regarded
as a second line of defense, functioning only after the resident alveolar macrophages have
attempted to contain the agent.
Bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) is found throughout the bronchial tree as
lymphoid aggregates within the submucosa.
There are some well known causes of pulmonary defense impairment that predispose to
Viral infection. As many as 40% of bacterial pneumonias in humans result
from previous viral infections which alter pulmonary defense. Viral diseases in
animals also predispose to bacterial pneumonias. How does this work?
Macrophages from animals with viral infections are dysfunctional. There
is usually decreased chemotaxis, phagocytosis, phagosome formation,
killing and degradation.
Viral-infected cells have impaired mucociliary function and thus clearance
of anything decreases.
Cardiac failure is also a predisposing cause of pneumonia. When the heart is
failing, there is increased hydrostatic pressure in the lung, with leakage of serum
proteins into alveoli (pulmonary edema), which inhibits defenses and provides a
hospitable environment for bacteria.
Persistent antibiotic therapy is a predisposing factor for fungal infections in
the respiratory system, but not a major predisposing factor in bacterial
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Lesson 3
Diseases of the Nares, Nasal Cavity and Nasal Sinuses
Developmental Anomalies
Palatoschisis (cleft palate) is one of the most common and important defects in cattle
and dogs. When the young animal nurses, it may aspirate milk into the nasal passage
and cause aspiration pneumonia.
External Nares
Epistaxis may be a sign related to several respiratory lesions (trauma, infection,
neoplasia, etc.)
A mucopurulent exudate at the nares may be secondary to a rhinitis.
Lesions at the external nares normally do not affect respiration unless they cause
occlusion of the nasal passages.
Rhinitis is the word for inflammation of the nasal cavity. It can be caused by physical,
chemical, viral, bacterial, or fungal agents. In addition, some cases of rhinitis are
Most cases of acute rhinitis begin with a serous exudate, which then progresses to
catarrhal (mucus-y) as glandular secretions get increased. If bacteria are in there as well,
accumulations of neutrophils will cause the exudates to become purulent.
Serous catarrhal + bacteria purulent
Specific diseases associated with rhinitis
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR)
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) is an acute contagious
disease of cattle caused by bovine herpesvirus-1. Lesions
develop in the upper respiratory tract, trachea, and
conjunctiva. IBR occurs throughout the world, in all breeds
of cattle. Pretty contagious.
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One of the BIGGEST problems with IBR is that it predisposes to Mannheimia
moving south (e.g., into the lung), creating a dire clinical situation due to shipping
fever (more on that soon).
“Help, my pus-laden lymph nodes are
strangling me…..!”
Caused by Streptococcus equi, this disease creates lots of pus and abscesses form
in the lymph nodes of the neck. These swollen lymph nodes press on the trachea
and esophagus, making the horse feel like it is choking, hence the name of the
Glanders is a disease of horses caused by Burkholderia mallei. The bacteria enter
through the nasal cavity and cause big caseo-necrotizing tracts through the sinuses,
within the subcutis, and in the lung. When the lesions occur in the subcutis of the
skin, the disease is called “farcy.” Horses shed significant bacteria with their nasal
secretions and contaminated feed and watering troughs are a good way to spread it
around. Glanders will also infect (and kill) humans.
Parasitic diseases of the nasal cavities
Nasal bots in sheep
A common problem in sheep is infection with Oestrus ovis larvae. They can be
found in the nasal passages, sinuses and pharynx of sheep and occasionally goats.
The fly deposits the first stage larvae on the nares and these molt twice as they
migrate through the nasal passages. After development, they come back out, but
they are sometimes trapped in turbinates or sinuses because they grow rapidly and
cannot pass back through the narrow orifices through which they migrated.
Sinusitis is a more significant problem than rhinitis due to the close proximity of the
sinus to the brain, the diminished chance of drainage and spontaneous resolution, and the
more likely predisposition to epithelial atrophy and metaplasia, distortion of the facial
bones, and osteomyelitis.
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Frontal sinusitis in cattle may occur secondary to dehorning and subsequent wound
Sinusitis is most significant in the horse, because this species has the largest and most
complex sinus structure, coupled with the poorest drainage. In addition, in horses,
periodontitis often extends into the sinuses.
Guttural pouch of horses
The guttural pouches of horses are ventral diverticula of the Eustachian tubes. They get
involved in inflammation the same way as the paranasal sinuses do, that is, inflammation
starts in the nasal cavity and spreads by extension into this area. However, the guttural
pouches are contiguous with a number of critical structures, including cranial nerves (VII,
IX, X, XI, XII), blood vessels, and the cranial sympathetic trunk.
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Lesson 4
Diseases of the Pharynx, Larynx and Trachea
Laryngeal edema
Severe laryngeal edema will result in death by asphyxiation. What causes the larynx to
fill with edema? Poking that endotracheal tube around too much, systemic anaphylaxis,
horses with purpura hemorrhagica, allergic reactions in any species. Death by
asphyxiation. Not good.
Laryngeal blockage
In any species, foreign bodies, including medication boluses can lodge in the larynx to
cause problems.
Laryngitis and tracheitis
Necrotic laryngitis due to Fusobacterium necrophorum is referred to as calf
diphtheria. The bacteria localize in laryngeal “contact ulcers” (1cm circular
ulcers in the arytenoid cartilage). These contact ulcers are thought to be caused
by mechanical forces acting on the laryngeal tissues. The mechanical forces
result from increased rapid opening and closing of the larynx due to stress
conditions (dust, coughing, swallowing, and increased vocalization or “bawling”).
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Lesson 5
Diseases of the bronchi and bronchioles
The bronchi and bronchioles have a hybrid nature. Their function is conducting air.
However, they are embedded within the lung parenchyma, which is predominantly
focused on gaseous exchange.
Inflammation of the bronchi and bronchioles very easily extends into pneumonia.
Morphologic manifestations of bronchitis
include similar general descriptions as those
described for more upper airways. That is,
catarrhal bronchitis may precede purulent or
ulcerative bronchitis.
The definition of bronchiectasis is “permanent, abnormal dilation of bronchi”. How does
it happen? Chronic inflammation alters the normal elasticity through the build-up of
debris. Eventually fibroplasia holds the lumen in a permanently distended state.
Normal bronchiole Bronchiectasis – held open permanently
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Bronchioles have the worst of both worlds. They are often involved along with the
bronchi in inflammatory lesions targeting the conducting pathways. Also, because they
are so close to the alveoli, they are usually affected by pneumonic processes as well. In
addition, some viral and toxic insults will specifically target alveolar cells and
Bronchiolitis obliterans
The big problem with inflammation of bronchioles is that there is not much room
for any exudate to accumulate. Consequently, they get plugged very easily. What
happens next is that fibroblasts migrate into the exudates and tend to make the
plug permanent. Bronchiolar epithelium grows over the fibroblastic mass. What
is left is a permanent polypoid projection nearly obliterating the bronchiolar
lumen. This lesion is referred to as bronchiolitis obliterans. These bronchioles
never return to normal function.
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Lesson 6
General disorders of the lung
Physical abnormalities
Torsion of a lung lobe can occur but is quite rare.
Atelectasis is defined as incomplete expansion of the lung. Grossly, atelectasis appears
as red-brown solid depressed areas without obvious inflammation.
Fetal atelectasis
Fetal lungs are supposed to be like this because they have yet to be expanded by air.
When dealing with an aborted animal, one good way to tell if the animal ever took a
breath is to take a piece of lung and drop it in water (or formalin). If it sinks, the
animal was born dead. Remember that from last year?
Acquired atelectasis
After the lung is inflated at birth, then there are only two reasons that atelectasis can
Atelectasis can occur as a result of airway obstruction. No air can get in and the
existing air within the alveolus leaks out through the walls, collapsing the
Compression atelectasis arises from pressure on the outside of the lung – could
be hydrothorax, pneumothorax, chylothorax, hemothorax, or tumor.
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Pulmonary Emphysema
Emphysema means tissue puffed up by air. Although pulmonary emphysema is a very
common and important clinical entity in humans (largely thanks to the tobacco industry),
it is not so problematic in animals. There are some specific examples.
“Heaves” in horses
Chronic bronchiolitis-emphysema
complex in the horse is also known as
“heaves” or “broken wind” or the more
scholarly “chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease.” As with many
disease syndromes with multiple
names, the causes and pathogenesis are
poorly understood. Allergies to inhaled
fungal antigens are incriminated most
There is a chronic bronchiolitis with epithelial hyperplasia, intense goblet cell
activity, and peribronchiolar fibrosis. Eosinophil numbers vary greatly from case to
case. Alveoli tend to be hyperinflated because of air trapping. It is thought that
recurrent bronchospasms occlude alveolar ducts.
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Bovine pulmonary emphysema
Emphysema in cattle develops very easily with any kind of severe pulmonary
problem. As cattle inhale and exhale vigorously, air spaces rupture, releasing gas into
the interstitium. Consequently interlobular and interlobar septa can fill up with air.
Sometimes it gets so severe that the air spills over into the mediastinum and, in some
cases tracks right into the subcutis. Bubble wrap!!! However, emphysema is rarely
the primary problem in cattle – rather it is a reflection of the very vigorous respiratory
efforts made because of some other problem in the lung.
Any increased respiratory effort results in emphysema in
cattle. It is usually the result of a pulmonary problem
rather than the primary problem.
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Lesson 7
Vascular disorders in the lung
PULMONARY THROMBOEMBOLISM is a very severe disorder that kills quickly.
Think about a deep vein thrombosis (like maybe a big thrombus in the lower leg) - part of
it dislodges and travels through progressively larger veins (without getting stopped
because the vessels get bigger and bigger), and into the right heart - still no blockage. It
gets through the right heart, and goes to the lungs. Now the vessels start to get smaller.
Eventually it gets stopped, plugging the vessel, which in this case will be a pulmonary
artery. If it is big, it will compromise the unoxygenated blood going to the lung that is
supposed to pick up oxygen and take it around the body. So, there isn’t ischemia of the
lung, but instead, there is HYPOXIA OF THE WHOLE BODY – that will kill you…..
Pulmonary congestion is seen in a variety of disease syndromes. The lung is
incredibly vascular - it has 2,500 km of capillaries! So if there is anything in the
systemic circulation, such as septicemia or toxicity, that will promote congestion,
we will see it in the lung!
Hypostatic congestion in the lung is seen in animals in lateral or dorsal
recumbency for long periods of time. In these cases, gravitational pooling may
occur. The significance is that there is decreased pulmonary clearance in these
areas, predisposing to infection.
Some causes of pulmonary edema include:
1. Increased hydrostatic pressure – This will occur with cardiac failure, backup of
blood, and consequently increased hydrostatic pressure in the alveoli, forcing
fluid out between endothelial cells.
2. Damage to endothelial cells – The reason here is obvious – loss of integrity of
the capillary retaining wall. This type of pulmonary edema occurs in specific
viral infections – African horse sickness, bluetongue, epizootic hemorrhagic
disease. Additional causes might include endotoxins or high levels of certain
3. Damage to alveolar cells - These cells form an important part of the support
structure for the endothelium. As alveolar cells are damaged, fluid is likely to
leak out into the alveolus. Some causes include toxic gases and systemic toxins.
Grossly, edematous lungs are wet, heavy, and fail to collapse. Often pulmonary edema is
accompanied by hydrothorax.
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Hemorrhage into the lung can occur with any coagulopathy. Warfarin poisoning
in dogs tends to present as massive mediastinal hemorrhage, due to the thymus
being affected preferentially.
Embolism occurs frequently in the lung, in fact, the lung is a major site of embolization
from the vascular system. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), when there is a coagulopathy
that predisposes to thrombosis and a big one forms in a deep vein, like maybe in the leg,
often bits of the thrombus will break off and can travel to the lung with pretty bad results
(also discussed above).
Lung is often a site of metastatic tumors, because of the possibility of tumor emboli
getting stuck in the meshwork of small capillaries throughout the lung. Other types of
emboli that may be found in lung include fat (usually as a result of a broken bone with
release of fat from marrow), fragments of nucleus pulposus from intervertebral disks, or
bits of epidermis and hair introduced at the time of injection.
If you are wondering about whether or not lungs are truly edematous, here are
two clues when doing the post mortem:
1. Look in the trachea – if there is foam, that is a good indication that
there was pulmonary edema. Terminally, the edema fluid containing
protein and surfactant gets whipped up with inspiratory and expiratory
efforts and results in foam that moves up the trachea.
2. Another way to test for pulmonary edema is to remove the lungs from
the thorax and set them in a dry spot. If, after 5 minutes, the lungs are
sitting in a puddle of fluid, that is evidence of pulmonary edema.
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Lesson 8
Diseases of the Pleura and Pleural Cavity
As a refresher,
here is the anatomy:
Pneumothorax means presence of air or gas in the pleural cavities. Because inflation of
the lungs requires negative thoracic pressure, the presence of air causes the lungs to
collapse. Pneumothorax commonly results from a broken rib fracturing the pleural
membrane, allowing air to escape from the pulmonary parenchyma.
Pleural effusions
Pleural effusion is a generic term meaning accumulation of any kind of fluid (without
inflammation) in the thoracic cavity
Hydrothorax means there is too much edema fluid in the thoracic cavity.
Hemothorax refers to the presence of blood in the pleural cavities. It usually
happens as a result of traumatic rupture of blood vessels.
The term for inflammation of the pleura is pleuritis. Pleuritis often accompanies severe
pneumonia, in which case the term pleuropneumonia should be used.
Pyothorax means the pleural cavity is full of pus.
Blackleg, caused by Clostridium chauvoei, will also create a pleuritis.
If enough fibrin exudes, it will progress to organizing fibrosis, leading to long-term
adhesions which will continue to impair respiratory function for a very long time.
What are sequelae of pleural effusions? The fluid causes compression of the
dependent lung resulting in atelectasis, and therefore pulmonary impairment.
They can usually be resolved through resorption unless the quantity is too large.
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Lesson 9
Tumors of the Respiratory System
As a review, classification of tumors, from General Pathology:
Origin Benign Malignant
epithelial cells polyp
squamous cell carcinoma
mesenchymal cells -oma sarcoma
Tumors of the nasal cavity and sinuses:
Squamous cell carcinoma
Tumors of the lung:
Adenocarcinoma, or bronchogenic carcinoma – usually very malignant
Plus many tumors from other locations will metastasize to lung!
Tumors of the pleura and mediastinum:
Mesotheliomas may arise from the pleura but are rare.
Lymphosarcoma is the most common tumor in the mediastinum.
Thymomas also occur in the cranial mediastinum, as well as ectopic thyroid and
parathyroid tumors and heart base tumors.
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Lesson 10
Types of Pneumonia
Because this is a course about mechanisms of disease, we will begin with classifying
pneumonias by their overall patterns. After this simple (maybe overly simple) system of
classification, then we will use other terms to talk about specific types of pneumonia. So,
here is our simple system:
Type of
pneumonia Portal of entry Lesion
distribution Kind of exudates Example
Bronchopneumonia Aerogenous Anteroventral
Suppurative or
fibrinous, on
surfaces (bronchi,
shipping fever,
Aerogenous or
al or diffuse
Often can’t see
them, they are within
PRRS, toxins
Aerogenous or
hematogenous Multifocal Granulomas,
caseous nodules
TB, Blasto,
pneumonia Hematogenous Multifocal Purulent foci
So, here is what each might look like:
Appearance Why?
Normal lung Pink, spongey, uniform,
everything works fine.
Anteroventral portion has the
inflammation and the exudates, can
be firm and reddened in this
Pneumonia means any inflammation of the lung. This
term is preferred over “pneumonitis.”
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The whole thing is swollen, so you
see the rib imprints. Lung is
affected diffusely, and willfeel
rubbery. Might be regular color,
like this, or it might be red.
Big blobs, distributed randomly,
varying sizes
Small foci, uniformly distributed
throughout the lung, got there via
the circulation
The hallmark feature of bronchopneumonia is that the inflammation originates in the
bronchial tree. As would be expected, the origin of bronchopneumonia is aerogenous –
something nasty comes down the conducting tree.
Grossly, bronchopneumonias have irregular consolidation in anteroventral regions.
What is consolidation? Basically it means that instead of air, that part of lung is solid and
is filled with exudates or fibrin. If the bronchopneumonia is severe enough, it will
involve the overlying pleura.
What’s the time course?
Within 2-3 days of bacteria becoming established at the
bronchioloalveolar junction, there is red consolidation evident.
Leukocytes migrating in in large numbers will change the color of
the exudates to more of a gray appearance in 5-7 days. It may
begin to resolve by 7-10 days, with slow turnover of type II
alveolar cells back to the more efficient type I variety. The lung
can return to normal by 3-4 weeks. Or, on the other hand, the
whole lung can go to heck in a hand basket and the end result will
be available for full viewing in the necropsy room within days, with
all shades of red and gray, consolidation, and fibrin exudation.
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However, many bronchopneumonias become chronic. This is seen most commonly in
cattle and to a lesser extent in sheep. There is chronic suppuration with fibrosis. These
animals will have poor growth.
Interstitial pneumonias are inflammatory conditions in which the predominant exudative
and proliferative responses involve alveolar walls. Grossly, the lesions are distributed
widely throughout the lungs. It is often caused by a blood-borne insult, but can also be
With interstitial pneumonia, we often don’t see exudates when we cut into the lungs.
There is plenty of exudate, that is for sure, but since the damage is at the level of the
alveolus, not a lot builds up in any one place to cause enough of an accumulation to
actually see. Instead, the whole lung seems just bigger and firmer than normal,
sometimes even rubbery. The lesions are really easy to see histologically though.
The focus of damage is on and within the alveolar walls.
There is a wide variety of causes of interstitial pneumonias. Inhalation of high
concentrations of toxic gases or fumes will cause interstitial pneumonia. Many of the
viruses that arrive at the lung, either from the blood stream, or from the air, settle at the
bronchoalveolar junction, and from there quickly move to the alveoli, creating an
interstitial pattern.
This is a particular type of pneumonia where a pathogen, either inhaled or arriving at the
lung via the bloodstream, settles out in the parenchyma to incite a typical chronic
Gangrenous pneumonia, a special type of bronchopneumonia
The usual cause of gangrenous pneumonia is entrance into the lung of material
that shoulda stayed in the digestive tract. This includes ingesta that are vomited
and inhaled OR intubating the trachea rather than the esophagus for delivery of
material destined for the stomach. Oops. The definitive lesion of gangrenous
pneumonia is death of tissue, big time. Death of the animal often occurs within
24 hours of aspiration. The characteristic lesion is liquefactive necrosis in a
defined area. Putrefying bacteria help to enhance the odor. Gangrenous
pneumonia is an especially nasty and acute form of bronchopneumonia.
Animals usually die of septic shock and acute, severe alveolar damage.
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granulomatous inflammation. Fungal diseases are most commonly the reason, but also
some of the higher bacteria, such as mycobacteria or Rhodococcus equi, will do this as
well. Distribution is multifocal, without regard for cranioventral or caudodorsal - they
can settle out anywhere.
This term can be used to include pneumonias caused by any circulating particulates.
Lungs are a biologic filter for circulating particulate matter. Causes of embolic
pneumonia include those bacteria that tend to travel as septic aggregates – Histophilus
somni and Actinobacillus equuli. Right-sided vegetative valvular endocarditis often
causes an embolic pneumonia, as septic thrombi travel to and lodge in the lung.
The next 3 lessons will deal with pneumonia, based on
ETIOLOGY. For each, keep in mind the classification
method we just covered.
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Lesson 11
Pneumonia – Viral
Many of the viral pathogens of lung replicate in airway and alveolar epithelial cells.
Viruses use a specific receptor to ENTER a cell and many of these viral respiratory
diseases of animal involve attachment to a receptor found on respiratory epithelium.
Parainfluenza type 3 virus induces acute respiratory disease in a wide variety of species
including cattle, sheep and goats, and horses. It attacks cells of the conducting airways. It
can cause pneumonia alone, but is more commonly part of the etiologic complex of
enzootic pneumonia in calves or shipping fever in adults.
Bovine respiratory syncytial virus
Bovine respiratory syncytial virus occurs either alone in an outbreak form
of pneumonia or in concert with other agents, especially bacteria, in the
shipping fever syndrome. The virus attacks conducting airway epithelium,
most severely that at the broncho-alveolar junction. Histologically there
are frequently syncytial giant cells formed by fusing bronchiolar epithelial cells.
Bronchiolitis obliterans is often seen in BRSV infections.
Canine distemper
Canine distemper remains endemic globally, with virus maintained in wild
carnivores even if totally controlled in domestic dogs. So there is a
continuing reservoir to spill over into unvaccinated dogs. Infection with
canine distemper virus is pantropic, which means that a number of tissues
and organs are targeted by the virus. The virus infects epithelium in
multiple organs, so for the respiratory system, this would include nares, trachea, bronchi,
bronchioles, and alveolar cells. Yikes. Also, a big problem with canine distemper is that
it also affects the lymphoid system, there is usually immunosuppression and so secondary
infections of lung are common. Two such secondary agents are Bordetella
bronchiseptica and Toxoplasma gondii. Consequently, the pneumonia could look like a
bronchopneumonia or an interstitial pneumonia. And, if the dog survives the pneumonia,
the virus usually goes on the brain.
Peste des petits ruminants
This virus is closely related to rinderpest, and causes enteritis and pneumonia
in sheep and goats. The disease is endemic in much of Africa and the Middle
East, but is foreign to this hemisphere. Grossly and histologically, the lung
lesions look just like canine distemper.
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The Orthmyxoviridae include the influenza viruses, which infect several domestic
Equine influenza
Disease usually occurs in young animals that are stressed and/or grouped with
older horses. It may occur in outbreak form, with high morbidity but low
mortality. The primary importance of the disease is its economic impact, as
horses with current influenza infections cannot race or train. The virus infects
both ciliated and alveolar cells, so it can look like a bronchopneumonia or an
interstitial pneumonia.
Caprine arthritis-encephalitis
This lentivirus usually attacks the joints of goats, causing festering and long
term arthritic problems. However, occasionally it causes a distinct
pneumonia in older goats – with extensive alveolar filling by dense,
acidophilic, lipoproteinaceous material, with widespread alveolar type II cell
hyperplasia. The pathogenesis of this pneumonia is unclear, but because it primarily
affects alveoli, it is classified as an interstitial pneumonia.
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Lesson 12
Bacterial pneumonias
Bovine enzootic pneumonia is composed of a number of etiologies, all of which can be
interacting in synergy. It usually starts with a viral infection, maybe PI-3, or BHV-1, or a
mycoplasmal infection, Mycoplasma bovis or Ureaplasma. After those are set up, then
opportunists move in and set up camp - Pasteurella multocida, Arcanobacterium
pyogenes, or E. coli. In some cases, Mannheimia hemolytica can move in and cause a
full-fledged shipping pneumonia, which is covered further below.
The main features of bovine enzootic
pneumonia are that it is
ANTEROVENTRAL and that this part
of the lung has evidence of
consolidation - there is exudate in
there, and the respiratory exchange in
that part of the lung is impaired. With
the organisms actively causing
infection, there may be constant or
recurrent fever, lack of sufficient
growth, and some degree of respiratory
The members of the Pasteurella genus are widely distributed among a variety of animal
species. All are strict parasites of animals and survive poorly, if at all, in the
environment. They are carried subclinically, usually in the upper respiratory tract, and
migrate down the bronchial tree to cause disease when the opportunity presents itself.
In cattle, the Pasteurella that causes severe lung damage is now reclassified as
Mannheimia, so this disease should be rightly called “pneumonic mannheimiosis”.
Mannheimia haemolytica, formerly known as Pasteurella haemolytica, biotype A, causes
a fibrinous or fibrinonecrotic bronchopneumonia, often with significant hemorrhage. It
has a bronchopneumonia pattern but often spreads quickly and extensively to many parts
of the lung. This disease occurs so regularly after a period of transport that it is
commonly referred to as “shipping fever.”
Sheep also get a chronic enzootic pneumonia with
similar players, pathogenesis, and clinical picture.
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Infecting animals with Mannheima hemolytica alone doesn’t cause disease! It can ONLY
gain a foothold to cause disease after the respiratory defenses have been compromised.
Grossly, the lungs have extensive red-black consolidation in cranioventral regions, with
generous coverings of the pleura by fibrin. Histologically, the necrotic regions are
multifocal but may be coalescing and very extensive.
It should be noted that Pasteurella multocida may also cause severe fibrinohemorrhagic
pneumonia but usually disease due to P. multocida is less severe than that due to
Mannheimia haemolytica. Also, P. multocida is often associated with enzootic bovine
Pneumonic pasteurellosis in sheep is usually caused by Mannheimia (previously
Pasteurella) haemolytica. Lambs are especially prone to develop disease, and, as with
pneumonic pasteurellosis in cattle, there is almost always an intercurrent stress or viral
Histophilus somni (formerly known as Haemophilus somnus) is the cause of a number of
disease syndromes in cattle, all related to the ability to produce septic emboli. The
organism survives within phagocytic cells, can bind immunoglobulin, making for big
clusters of protected pathogens that can circulate. When they lodge in the brain, the
disease is known as thrombotic meningoencephalitis (TME), but it can also cause
arthritis, ophthalmitis, and abortion. In the lungs, the bacteria can engender a severe
fibrinohemorrhagic embolic pneumonia.
Bovine tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium bovis, is the principal respiratory
tuberculous disease seen in animals. M. bovis will also infect some other species,
including humans. The usual route of infection is respiratory. The tuberculous
pulmonary process starts at the bronchiolo-alveolar junction and develops into a
tuberculous granuloma, or tubercle. This tubercle is the result of an ongoing battle
between the tubercle bacilli and the cell mediated immune response. Macrophages are
unable to overwhelm this facultative intracellular parasite and so inflammatory cells are
Endotoxin and leukotoxin, both elaborated by the bacteria, figure importantly
in the pathogenesis.
Endotoxin facilitates thrombosis, leading to ischemic necrosis.
Leukotoxin incapacitates the white blood cells recruited to the scene.
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continually recruited. Formation of giant cells is typical as macrophages continue to
battle the agent unsuccessfully.
Tuberculosis is a chronic disease caused
by bacteria of the genus Mycobacteria.
Human tuberculosis is an ancient disease
and of great historical as well as current
importance. Mycobacterium
tuberculosis infects one of every three
humans in the world and continues to
cause extensive mortality.
Rhodococcus equi
This is an important cause of pneumonia in foals. Rhodococcus equi lives in soil and the
intestinal tract of a number of species. Disease is usually seen in foals <6 months of age.
Mortality with this disease is commonly 40-80%.
Grossly, there are multiple firm nodules of various sizes. The nodules are poorly
encapsulated and consist of slimy to friable material. Rhodococcus pneumonia is often
accompanied by a pyogranulomatous lymphadenitis. Pleuritis is rare; this is a disease of
the pulmonary parenchyma.
Mycoplasma diseases
Most species of animals have their own mycoplasma species responsible for a chronic
lymphoproliferative pneumonia, with relatively few clinical signs other than decreased
growth rate. However, there are two mycoplasmal diseases which are extremely different
from all the others –but of great importance globally – contagious bovine
pleuropneumonia and contagious caprine pleuropneumonia. Contagious bovine
pleuropneumonia is restricted to Africa and won’t be covered.
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Respiratory mycoplasmosis of calves -
Mycoplasma bovis is the most common Mycoplasma in calves. It can occur
alone or be part of the enzootic pneumonia complex. The organisms live among
the cilia in the bronchi and so cause a chronic bronchitis and predispose to
bacterial secondary infections. The organisms also incite great proliferation of the
bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT). Many airways become surrounded
by prominent lymphofollicular sheaths, leading to the term “cuffing pneumonia”
for this disease.
Respiratory mycoplasmosis of sheep –
M. ovipneumoniae is one of the etiologic factors that combine to cause enzootic
pneumonia of sheep. Lesions are identical to that seen in respiratory
mycoplasmosis of calves.
Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia
The causative agent is Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae. It gets in
and causes a terrible, necrotizing, usually unilateral disease that KILLS. Mostly in
goats but occasionally a sheep that is with goats may get it.
Lots of bacteria can cause inflammation when they get down into the deeper airways and
pulmonary clearance mechanisms are impaired.
In particular, all of the pyogenic organisms are associated with suppurative
bronchopneumonia – these include streptococci, staphylococci, Actinomyces pyogenes,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumoniae.
Young animals with septicemias can have bacteria localizing in lungs and engendering a
severe interstitial pneumonia. These include streptococci, E. coli, Actinobacillus equuli
in foals, and Salmonella sp.
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Lesson 13
Parasitic diseases of the lungs
Lesions due to parasites in the lung come in two categories. There are those parasites
who live specifically in lung, then there are others who merely do damage as they migrate
through to somewhere else. Each one in the text below is marked accordingly:
= lives in lung
= just passes through
Muellerius capillaris
This is the most common of the lungworms. The adults live in the alveolar parenchyma
rather than the bronchi and bronchioles. Also known as the nodular worm, this parasite is
noted for its ability to cause multiple granulomatous nodules in the lung, especially the
dorsocaudal areas.
Dictyocaulus filaria
D. filaria lives in the small bronchi. Adult worms can cause chronic catarrhal and
eosinophilic bronchitis and bronchiolitis. Excess mucus production is present. There
may be atelectasis because of bronchiolar plugging.
Adults lay eggs in the nodules; first stage larvae get on the mucociliary
escalator and are pooped out. Slugs and snails are the intermediate
host; sheep and goats swallow these; larvae are liberated in the
digestive tract and pass through the lymphatics to the lung.
The life cycle of ALL the Dictyocaulus is direct. Embryonated
eggs hatch in the lung or in the digestive tract after their ride on the
escalator. Then larvae are either coughed out or pooped out.
Development to an infective stage requires moist ground and low
temperatures and takes at least a week.
The life cycle of each parasite is in a box like this – you are not
responsible for all the details but you should be aware of the
pertinent features of each.
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Dictyocaulus viviparus
The adults live in the large bronchi and cause obstruction through inflammation and also
through large numbers of parasites. As a result air can flow into the alveoli, but the plug
of exudate and parasites prevents complete expulsion of air on expiration. The alveolar
lumens become distended with air and emphysema results.
Life cycle is direct.
Dictyocaulus arnfieldi
The donkey is considered the natural host for Dictyocaulus arnfieldi. Donkeys can
tolerate large numbers of D. arnfieldi without ill effects, but horses cannot. These
parasites accumulate in the small bronchi, inciting a chronic catarrhal bronchitis. Air
becomes trapped in alveoli distal to the accumulation, resulting in a gross picture of
scattered foci of hyperinflated pulmonary parenchyma. D. arnfieldi is usually not patent
in horses – thus examination of fecal samples may not be helpful.
Life cycle is direct.
Parascaris equorum
This is probably the most common nematode that migrates through equine lung. Large
numbers of migrating larvae may cause coughing, anorexia and weight loss. An
interstitial interstitial pneumonia may result.